New Vizion Organization: Food and Hygiene Products for 30 Families in Lac, Lezhe, and Fushe-Kruje
August 2, 2020
Amount Raised
– NGO Partner: New Vizion Organization
– Theme: Health, Earthquake Relief
– Location: Lac, Lezhe, Fushe-Kruje
– Date: Summer/Fall 2020
– Amount Raised: $8,822
– Partners: Local Municipalities
– Description: New Vision is a youth organization with the mission of promoting youth volunteers, inclusiveness and community participation. After consultations with representatives of the local government, New Vizion identified 30 families in need in Fushe-Kruje, Lac, and Lezhe. to provide them with various supplies distributed by their youth volunteers These supplies included: (i) protective measures against Covid-19 virus such as masks, gloves, and disinfectants; (ii) food and hygiene products; (iii) school supplies for children; and games and entertainment materials for children. The average family received $300 in support.
Donations closed!