+1 617-372-0931

The More You Give The More We Can All Give

Please join us to support earthquake relief in Albania. Our goal is to raise $1 million by the end of the year. You have six options below — you may donate via Facebook, Paypal Giving Fund, or GoFundme, or start your own Facebook Fundraiser or GoFundMe Fundraiser to support our efforts. You may also join our Amazon Smile Holiday Giving Campaign. Please note that there are no fees for you or for us with Facebook or Paypal Giving Fund. With GoFundMe the fees are 1.9% to the Global Albanians Foundation plus a “tipping fee” charged to the donor that goes to GoFundMe unless the donor removes that fee. If you feel more comfortable with GoFundMe, please use it. For those of you who are interested, please read our short preliminary strategy for earthquake relief in Albania.

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