The Global Albanians Youth Network
May 2, 2020
Amount Raised
– NGO Partner: Germin
– Theme: Education/Youth
– Location: N/A
– Date: May 2020
– Amount Raised: $9,175
– Description: The Global Albanians Youth Network is a movement initiated by Germin and the Global Albanians Foundation with the purpose of promoting positive change in Albanian communities around the world, by identifying, connecting and engaging Albanian youth (ages 14-22) and youth organizations in both homeland countries (Albania, Kosova, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Presheva) and the diaspora. This has been done through seminars, workshops, and opinion polls aimed at youth and youth organizations focusing on language, cultural heritage, and professional development programs. These efforts connected both organizations and individuals, encouraged our youth to raise their voices, and helped to plant the seeds for OriginAL which is a joint program of the GAF and Germin to bring diaspora youth for a two week trip every summer beginning in 2022.
Donations closed!