Vizion OJF: Reconstruction of Six Houses Damaged by the Earthquake in Fushe-Kruje and Vore
April 2, 2021
Amount Raised
– NGO Partner: Vizion OJF
– Theme: Housing, Earthquake Relief
– Location: Kruje, Fushe-Kruje, Vore
– Date: Winter/Spring 2021
– Amount Raised: $26,300
– Partners: Municipalities of Fushe-Kruje and Vore
– Description: Vizion OJF repaired six houses that were heavily damaged by the Earthquake. All of the families were selected based on the extent of damage to their homes, their level of socioeconomic need, and the lack of financial assistance provided by government authorities. In all cases the funds were used for construction materials and labor costs. One family that was homeless was also furnished with a temporary mobile home. All of the work was coordinated with the local municipalities to ensure that work permits and construction standards were met. In the end, each family received between $4,000-$5,000 in assistance.
Donations closed!